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Which Reed Switch Works For Adding Coach Notification Light To Older SMI Air Force One AF0108?  


I have an original SMI AF1 AF0108 before it was being produced by Demco. I am moving the unit into a new towed vehicle and wish to add the Reed switch to my actuator. Previously, I was simply tapping into the towed vehicle’s brake light circuit. I see you sell two different part numbers of the reed switch. Can you tell me which one I need to order? Thanks Rob

Picture Of Air Cylinder AF0108
Picture Of Air Cylinder AF0108
(click to enlarge)

Expert Reply:

The Reed Switch # DM65MV will attach to the air cylinder pictured from you SMI Air Force One AF0108 that you have.

I found the original instruction manual for your system, and it did not use a reed switch originally, nor the coach notification light.

It sounds like you might have a light you bought already, but if not you'll need to pick up the # SM99612 as well to add this feature to your older Air Force One.

expert reply by:
Samuel C

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