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Replacement Screens For Ventline Powered Roof Vents In Birch on a RV Camper  


I have a 2014 CruiserRV then Viewfinder Radiance 28 QBSS with Ventline powered vents, I am looking at vent screen replacements but can’t find a part number on the ones I have. The frame measures 12.75” x 12.75 and is birch white with a switch for the fan. But on your site it doesn’t often include dimensions in the item description. Can you point me towards the part I would need ?


Expert Reply:

It sounds like you are needing the Screen With Frame # BVC0573-31R. We often don't include measurements for parts like this as they are specific to a particular fan and with all the fans fitting the 14"x14" roof opening the parts are all typically very close in size but not interchangeable by size. The part number for the vent assembly is typically on a sticker which is easier to see from the roof.

expert reply by:
Bud M

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