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How to Determine Correct Leaf Springs For 2018 Jayco Travel Trailer  


Howdy! I’m looking for replacement springs for my 2018 jayco trailer it is a 174bh, I need springs shackles and bolts. Thanks!


Expert Reply:

Hi Austin,

I can help you determine the right replacement double-eye leaf springs for your 2018 Jayco trailer, though we don't have any way of knowing what specific ones you need. It's pretty easy though, as all you need to do is measure your current leaf springs from center-to-center of the spring eyes, and you also need to know the weight rating of your axle. Based on its weight, your 174BH is likely to have a 3,500 lb axle, though you'll want to double check just to be sure.

Leaf springs also flatten out over time, so go with ones that measure just a bit shorter than what you currently have. As an example, if you do have a 3,500 lb axle and your leaf springs measured 25-1/4" center-eye to center-eye you'd go with the 4-Leaf Double-Eye Spring for 3,500-lb Trailer Axles - 25-1/8" Long # e54SR.

For shackles and bolts you can go with the Single Axle Heavy Duty Suspension Kit # K71-403-00, and I have added a link below to our entire selection of leaf springs, which you can filter through by length and capacity.

expert reply by:
Kyle S
Austin S. profile picture

Austin S.


One question, when I measured the complete spring in the other side it was about 25-1/2 (like you said haha) I lifted the trailer off the ground to unload the spring when I got that measurement is that correct? Also I’m thinking I should go up to 4k for the springs or should I stick with 3500? I also need the u bolts is there a kit for that too? Thanks!

KyleS profile picture

Kyle S.


@AustinS You measured it exactly right, lifting it off the ground and not having any weight on it. And you can definitely go up to 4,000 lb leaf springs if you'd like; since you have 25-1/2" springs you can go with the 3-Leaf Double-Eye Spring for 4,000-lb Trailer Axles - 25-1/4" Long # e57SR.
AustinS profile picture

Austin S.


@KyleS awesome thanks! Lastly is there some kind of shock setup I can install as well? To cut down on bouncing? Thanks!
KyleS profile picture

Kyle S.


@AustinS Happy to help, and apologies as I missed your initial question about the U-bolts. There is a kit and for that, assuming you have 3,500 lb axles, use the U-Bolt Kit for Mounting 3,500-lb, Round Trailer Axles # APUBR-1. Then for shocks, you may be able to use the Lippert Shock Kit # LC281255. Again, this is for 3,500 lb axles, and does require a specific measurement - you'll need to have at least 4" of clearance between the inside of the tire and the I-beam flange.
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