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Troubleshooting A Hydraulic Drum Brake Assembly That Isn't Releasing  


Order 120533361 Hydraulic Trailer Brake Kit - Uni-Servo - 12inch - Left and Right Hand Assemblies - 5.2K to 7K ITEM AKUBRK-7 I just took my trailer for its first trip about 3 hour drive. The one wheel hub was getting hot. I disabled the hydraulic brake on the tow home and this prevented the hub from getting hot. I believe the brake is not releasing after it is applied. I was testing with a jack and the wheel did not want to spin even after the brake was released. The drum and bearing is ITEM AKHD-655-6-EZ-K purchased on the same order. Is there anything I can do to make the brake release better?


Expert Reply:

Hey Steven,

If just one side our your Hydraulic Trailer Brake Kit - Left and Right Hand Assemblies # AKUBRK-7 is sticking then the brake shoes were likely over adjusted and you'll just need to back the adjuster sprocket off to loosen the tension. You should hear a little bit of drag when spinning the wheel and it should stop spinning after roughly 1-2 rotations. You can use a brake spoon # W80630 to make turning the sprocket easier.

If the assembly wasn't overtightened then it would be an issue with either the servo not release the fluid back into the line or there could be some kind of obstruction blocking the brake shoes from popping back in.

Without actually seeing it in person it's a bit hard to nail down the culprit but I would definitely start by checking the adjuster and if you find the assembly is still sticking then I would reach back out and we can keep troubleshooting.

expert reply by:
Kevin C

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