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Recommended 5.30-12 Tire And Wheel Combo For A John Boat Trailer  


I am picking a boat up that’s a gift from my father in law out of state and I need to replace the wheels and tires. It’s a light aluminum Jon boat but I’ll be coming over 1000 miles and through areas with speed limits exceeding 80, I need a 5.3-12 what tires and wheel combo would you recommend?


Expert Reply:

Hey Zack,

Because of the speed rating you're looking for you'll be limited to the Taskmaster # TA69QR (Silver) or # TA79QR (White) if you have a 4 on 4 wheel bolt pattern. If you have a 5 on 4.5 bolt pattern then you'll need the # TT53012C and would have to pick wheels like the # AM20132 separately and have them mounted. Each of these options has speed rating M (81mph) and would be the highest speed rating we currently offer under the 5.30-12 tire size.

expert reply by:
Kevin C

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