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Replacement 12-13" Wheels Needed With A 5 on 5-1/2 Bolt Pattern  


Help please! Looking to replace a 5 lug 5 1/2 on center. Looking for 13 inch but 12 inch would do. Need wheels and tires. Having no luck finding 5 1/2. Everything I see is 4 1/2. Thank you!


Expert Reply:

Hi Tracy,

For 5 on 5-1/2 we currently only offer 10" and 15" wheels so you would need to either look elsewhere or swap out the hubs to a more common pattern, like 5 on 4-1/2. To determine which hub will fit your spindle you'll need to remove one hub and check the bearings and grease seal for their part numbers. If the part numbers have worn off you can then measure the spindle at points B, C, and D from the diagram below as well as the bore hole for the hub with a caliper # PTW80157. This will tell us then inner and outer diameters, which we can use to determine the bearings and grease seal.

expert reply by:
Kevin C
Spindle Diagram
Spindle Diagram
(click to enlarge)

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