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Spare Tire Mount Bike Rack for a 2005 Toyota RAV4  


I have a 2005 Toyota RAV4 Will this fit?


Expert Reply:

I checked with Hollywood Racks and the spare tire mount bike rack # HRSR2 is not listed as a fit. But never fear, there are other spare tire mount racks that will fit. You can use the Thule Spare Me # TH963PRO. This rack actually costs a little less and with it you also get an integrated cable lock. I have linked a video showing installation on a 2003 RAV4.

f you will be carrying any bikes that do not have a top frame bar that goes straight across (like a typical men's bike would) then I recommend using bike adapter bar # TH982XT. This will allow you to carry those bikes more level and will provide better ground clearance. I have to use these adapters and without them my wife's bike would be at a severe angle and I would not be able to load my son's bike at all. I have linked a video showing how the adapter works.

expert reply by:
Michael H

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