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Does 2019 Jeep Wrangler Unlimited With ParkSense Require Smart Diode Kit  


For flat towing my 2019 Jeep Wrangler Unlimited your tech told me I needed a Blue Ox base plate BX1139 and a Roadmaster Diode 7 wire to 6 wire flex coil wiring kit RM-15267. In your QandAs, I see in Kevin Cs answer to Chuck Rs question that I may have been told to buy the wrong wiring kit that if I have the ParkSense Proximity Sensors, which I do, I may need a different wiring kit. I was not asked by your technician whether I had this feature. Please tell me if I have to return the RM15267 kit and get something different.


Expert Reply:

Hello Mike; I'm sure this happened because we don't have any notes on ParkSense for the 2019 models. The same is true for Roadmaster. It looks like ParkSense started in 2018 but the smart diode kit # RM63MR isn't listed for models before 2021. I asked Roadmaster about this and they weren't 100% sure what the reasoning was but I can help you find out which kit is correct.

Take a look at the pictures below from the Roadmaster TSB. If you have those tail lights marked yes then you have proximity sensors in the tail lights. This means you need the smart diode kit. It is possible that the older version of ParkSense only had bumper sensors which would mean the kit you have now is the right one. If you still aren't sure I would contact your local dealer to see if you have sensors in the lights before proceeding.

expert reply by:
Robin H
ParkSense TSB
ParkSense TSB
(click to enlarge)
Mike profile picture



Thank you Robin. So, yes I do have the proximity sensors in the taillights. I will apparently need to return the wiring kit I purchased and replace it with the kit with the smart diodes. Please advise how to proceed.

RobinH profile picture
Etrailer Expert

Robin H.


@Mike you will have to call our customer service department and they will be able to take care of it for you.
Mike profile picture



@RobinH So, is RM63MR what I need?
RobinH profile picture
Etrailer Expert

Robin H.


@Mike yes.

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