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Will a B&W Companion Slider Work w/ a Round Gooseneck Hitch?  


I have a BandW Companion Slider st up for a Ford with the square base. I need to set it up to be able to fit into a Ram with the round hole. Is there an adapter for this? Thanks!


Expert Reply:

No, David I am sorry there is not. It sounds like you're describing a standard gooseneck hitch. The B&W Companion Slider item # BWRVK3400-5W can only be used with the Turnoverball system or have the base swapped out to fit in the factory puck systems with item # BWRVB3670. This base fits the Ram OEM puck system that has four mounting holes in the truck bed.

The only solution I would potentially have is going to depend on what kind of gooseneck hitch your Ram truck has. If you could get me a part number off of it I can see if there is a compatible adapter that will work with one of our other sliding hitches like the Curt A20 item # C55DR.

expert reply by:
Jerred H

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