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Highest Capacity Bike Rack for a RV  


Need a Rv hitch bike rack that will hold 2 e bikes they weigh 89.5 a pc and are 67 inches long.


Expert Reply:

Hey Brain! If by RV you mean a motorhome, the highest capacity bike rack we have is the Hollywood Racks Sport Rider SE item # HLY84FR, which tops out at 80 lbs per bike. So you would need to remove some weight like your batteries to get below the 80 lbs limit.

You also said your bikes are 67" long hopefully this is from the front of the wheel to the back of the wheel. The Sport Rider SE works with bikes that have a maximum wheelbase of 60", which is the distance between the center of the two wheels.

If you are using a travel trailer or a 5th wheel trailer then the highest capacity bike rack we have for those is the Swagman E-Spec Bike Rack for 2 Electric Bikes item # S94FR. It has a 70 lbs per bike capacity and fits bikes up to 48" long. This bike rack is built to withstand the turbulence, bouncing, and all around extra stress of being used behind a trailer so it doesn't have as high of a capacity.

expert reply by:
Jerred H

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