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What Holds A Trailer Brake Magnet In Place In A Trailer Brake Assembly  


What holds the magnetic in place is it clued to the arm or does it just float on the arm. Is there suppose to be a clearance between the magnet and the enter drum


Expert Reply:

Hey Tony,

The brake magnet # AKBRKR-M12 is placed on a metal arm with a spring on the back side of the magnet to push the magnet up away from anything and a clip to prevent it from popping off the arm. When the brake is energized by the brake controller the magnet will stick to the drum. As the drum spins it will pull on the magnet arm which pushes the brake shoes out to contact the drum and slow the trailer down.

I've attached a short video where I replace a brake magnet that will give you a better idea of how this works. If you're having an issue with your brakes then let me know what you're experiencing and I'd be happy to help.

expert reply by:
Kevin C
brake magnet arm
brake magnet arm
(click to enlarge)
Brake magnet clip
Brake magnet clip
(click to enlarge)
brake magnet spring
brake magnet spring
(click to enlarge)

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