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Can I Upgrade My Axle and Keep the Beam and Spindles?  


I want to upgrade my 5th wheel suspension and I have a few questions: 5th wheel is 2019 Keystone Cougar 29RKS 10,400 lb GVWR. Weve probably got about 20,000 miles on it. The axles from the factory are rated at 4400 lbs. I want to upgrade to 5200 lb axles and springs. Can I keep the original axle beams and spindles, and replace everything else? hubs, brakes, springs, etc. Nothing is currently bent or broken, but the tire clearance is pretty low and there is occasional tire rub on the undercarriage on all tires.


Expert Reply:

No, you would definitely need to upgrade the entire axle, to include the axle beam and spindles, not just all of the other components to get a 5,200 lbs axle.

If you could send me a measurement of your Hub-face-to-hub-face length and your spring-center-to-spring-center length I would be happy to see if we have a replacement 5,200 lbs axle that will work with your Keystone Cougar 5th wheel trailer.

expert reply by:
Jerred H
Phil H. profile picture

Phil H.


The label on the axle beam has "HF = 85" and "SC = 68.5" I think those are the numbers you are looking for? The trailer is in storage so I can't physically make the measurements right now.

JerredH profile picture
Etrailer Expert

Jerred H.


@PhilH Thanks for the measurements that is exactly what I need. I am sorry though we do not have an axle that will fit your trailer.
PhilH profile picture

Phil H.


@JerredH, Thanks for the reply. OK so I want to back up a bit as I think I got carried away with the upgrade plan. Last week you suggested the trailer lift kit for me and I am thinking that might be the way to go. But my leaf springs do look a little flat. They have a positive arc, but it's not very much. Is that OK? I sent a photo of the springs to your email address last week. At a minimum I want to: install the lift kit (the springs are over the axles) upgrade the shackles install wet bolts optional, please advise: I have the "Road Armor" equalizer, which seems to have good reviews. Any reason to replace those? Any reason to replace the springs? None are broken. But the suspension has been making loud noises when I turn. The trailer is a 2019 Keystone Cougar 29RKS, 10,400 lb GVWR, dual axle. It has about 20,000 miles on it. Axles are Dexter 4400 lb.
JerredH profile picture
Etrailer Expert

Jerred H.


@PhilH At 20,000 miles they should still be good but if you're taking the suspension down to install the Correct Track Trailer Alignment and Lift Kit item # RR23QX it won't be a bad idea to replace them. If you could get me a couple measurements I would be happy to get a parts list around for you. I would need to know the distance between the center of bolt holes on your shackle straps. Just measure from the middle of one of the openings to the other. I wouldn't swap out that Road Armor equalizer unless it's showing obvious signs of being worn. As far as the leaf springs go you'll need to jack up one side of your trailer to get the weight off of them and then measure from the center of one eye hole to the other. The springs have definitely flattened out over 20,000 miles and this is the most accurate way to find the correct replacement. It will also help to know how many leafs you have.
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