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How to Mount a Camera to a LEER Truck Cap to Keep an Eye on Cargo in Utility Trailer  


I'm looking for a camera that I can use to watch my load on my utility trailer. I'd like it to send the video to my iphone -my wife's, actually. (I can't be the only one that wants one of these.) Complications? My F-150 is aluminum, as is my utility trailer. And of course, I've got a leer fiberglass truck cap so magnetic bases are out. I would prefer not having to drill holes to mount this thing. So thanks, and sorry for being impossible.


Expert Reply:

Hey Joe, thanks for reaching out!

I can get you halfway to what you're needing, but at this point in time all of our camera systems either require a magnet, drilling, or they are only observable on a monitor as opposed to an iPhone.

If you can find a camera that fits your needs, we have the SeaSucker Vacuum Cup Mounts # SS29FR and/or # 302-5999 that can potentially be used to mount the camera part of your system at the back of your truck. The vacuum cup in either system has a pull rating of 120 lbs and are the same ones used to keep bikes on top of vehicle roofs so you can be confident either one will hold up well for your application.

expert reply by:
Jon G
Joe I. profile picture

Joe I.


Thanks. I'll give them a look. Sounds plausible.

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