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5th Wheel Slider Hitch Makes Excessive Noise when in the Towing Position on a 2014 Ram 2500  


the slider rides on 2 round steel bars left and right side. when the slider is in the full turning position it stops against thin round rubber washers 1 on each side. but in the full pulling position there are no thin round rubber washer, the slider moves about 1/16inch back and forth in the locked position causing a clank noise. were the thin round rubber washers, in the pulling position closest to the cab left out?


Expert Reply:

I am not sure which 5th wheel trailer hitch you have. It sounds like a Curt hitch with a round tube slider. Sliders are going to be noisy since there are more places on them for movement compared to a fixed hitch. In addition, on 5th wheel hitches that have a head that pivots on a center bolt, there is usually some back and forth movement at the head hitch is normal.

There are supposed to be rubber O-rings at the ends of the round tubes the hitch slides on, front and back, so 4 total. If you bought the hitch new and those were missing that is likely the issue.

Fifth wheel towing in general is noisy business. But you have to consider all of the steel rubbing and the weights and forces involved.

To help with noise between the hitch and rails you can use sound dampeners # 16900. These are for hitches that fit in industry standard above the bed rails.

expert reply by:
Michael H

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