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Does a Trailer Junction Box Have to be Used when Switching from 4-Way to 7-Way Trailer Connector  


Hello, Thanks to all eTrailer staff for the excellent forums and online features. I have learned a lot by visiting this site on a regular basis. I am currently customizing my CargoMate 12foot cargo trailer adding battery to trailer, modifying from 4 way to 7 way wiring, etc.. I will be pulling it with my 2005 Chev Silverado 1500 Crew Cab. The trailer, as is, contains a junction box, where the existing 4 wire harness comes from the front of the trailer and into this junction box the outgoing wires on passenger side of trailer are brown for the running lights, and red/black/white for the existing Stop/Tail/Turn lights. The outgoing wires on driver side of trailer include green and white. A real basic/simple setup, im assuming. However, now that Im adding a 7 wire harness so i can use backup lights and 12v battery on trailer, Im wondering if the junction box is still needed, or am I better off bypassing it, and wiring directly to each light or function using standard splicing, etc. I have a feeling that I will not do the job successfully or somehow mess up the wiring if i go through the junction box. The junction box seems overly complicated to mess with especially since Im a beginner with rewiring trailers. But if this junction box servers another purpose that im not understanding, im hoping eTrailer support can help clear that up or at least confirm if I do or do not need to use the junction box when i install the 7 wire harness.


Expert Reply:

Junction boxes are great for keeping things organized and for making changing out trailer side connectors and troubleshooting easier. They are not a necessity so you can keep it if you want, it is entirely up to you. If you want to use the junction box, I have linked some videos that might help.

The wire colors and the sides of the trailer they are on are actually a little different then what I would expect. Normally the green wire is the right side right turn and brake light wire and the yellow is for the left. Brown is typically running lights and white is ground.

That doesn't sound like what you have. Just keep that in mind when wiring in a new 7-Way such as # H20046. The wire colors and functions for this harness are as follows:

White Wire = Ground
Red Wire = Left Turn and Brake
Brown Wire = Right Turn and Brake
Green Wire = Tail Lights
Blue Wire = Brake Power
Black Wire = 12 volt (hot lead)
Yellow Wire = Aux (or reverse lights)

expert reply by:
Michael H
Michael T. profile picture

Michael T.


I have a question I have a trailor with 5 wires yellow left brown lights green right then a separate insulated wire with black and white wire for brakes but it does not power brakes any good fix answers should be appreciated By the way I didn't wire the trailor that way and it goes into a 7 way plug with red connected to black but the rest are fine

ChrisR profile picture
Etrailer Expert

Chris R.


Where does that black wire you mentioned actually lead to on the trailer? You mentioned that they're for brakes but are they actually attached to wiring coming from installed brake assemblies on each side of the axle?

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