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Will the Thule Motion 22 Cargo Box Fit a 2011 Honda Pilot without Hatch Interference  


The video showing the 2011 Honda Pilot and Motion 22 box indicates limited access to the hatch with the box install, but doesnt elaborate on this. How limited is this? How far from fully open is the hatch before it makes contact. Is the hatch still accessible? Or is the box cause too much of a conflict? Also, I believe the older model Atlantis 1800 i believe this is a Motion 18 equivalent fit well with the Honda Pilot, is the something different to the newer Thule boxes that makes them more difficult with this vehicle?


Expert Reply:

First the Thule Atlantis 1800 was an 18 cubic foot box. The Motion 22 # TH629906 is a 22 cubic foot box so it is much larger.

The rear hatch on the 2011 Honda Pilot could only be opened part of the way with the hatch door basically parallel with the roof. You would have to hold it open otherwise the box and hatch would rub against each other.

The Motion 18, # TH629806, is shorter than the 22. It would be a better fit. But there is an easy way to determine which Thule boxes will fit without hatch interference.

expert reply by:
Michael H
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