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Fuel Pump Kill Switch Theft Deterrents Recommendation  


I am looking for something that can make connecting a fuel pump to the battery an easy task. I was also thinking of having something like a hidden switch or a key to be able to plug it in or to use it. Any thoughts or suggestions is a big plus. Also if I get one of your plugs, what kind and size wire is needed or should be used? Thanks


Expert Reply:

Sounds like you are trying to make a kill switch for your fuel pump as a theft deterrent. What I would recommend you do is instead of quick disconnects that could easily be reconnected if a thief were to find it, I would use a fuse holder like the part # FLX30357K as a kill switch.

This way whenever you leave your vehicle you could pull the fuse and take it with you so that unless the thief happened to have fuses on him (he won't) he wouldn't be able to hotwire your vehicle. He also wouldn't suspect that a fuse holder would be what's killing the fuel pump. He would most likely be looking for a hidden switch.

expert reply by:
Jameson C

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