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Transmission Cooler Recommendation for a 2005 Honda Pilot  


I drive a 2005 Honda Pilot, rather than add a cooler I want to install a cooler that will serve as the only means of cooling the trans fluid. That said which cooler should I use for this purpose? I live in a mostly moderate to hot area so sub zero is not an issue for the most part.


Helpful Expert Reply:

The best way to pick out a transmission cooler for a vehicle like your 2005 Honda Pilot would be to go with the biggest one that will fit the available space the vehicle has in front of the radiator/AC condenser.

I would go with the # D13503 over the # D13502 that you referenced as long as you have the room for it. This cooler measures 11W x 8-3/4T x 7/8D Inch.

I attached an install video that shows this cooler being installed on a similar Honda as yours.

expert reply by:
Jameson C

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