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Hey Dan, The info you provided does tell us a bit about the axle but isn't enough to look up what components go with with it. With it being a 3,500lb axle it's probably a generic 3,500lb kit for the bearings and seals but I'd hate to not…
view full answer...The Trailer Hub and Drum Assembly part #AKHD-545-35-K is the correct replacement for an AL-KO 7230. In regards to the braking assemblies, I suggest getting a new pair, the Electric Trailer Brake Kit part #AKEBRK-35-SA. This option will save you some…
view full answer...Hey Roy, The only U-bolt kit we currently only offer for 1-1/2" square axles is part #CE23102, which only has a 3-3/8" length so it likely wouldn't be the best option for you. Instead you'll want to order the 1-1/2" Square…
view full answer...I have another wheel size that will work, but there are not any hub and drum assemblies for your 3500lb axle that will work with 10" wheels. For 3500lb axles you need 10" braking assemblies #AKEBRK-35-SA and 10" hub and drum assemblies…
view full answer...Yes, the Electric Trailer Brake Kit - Self-Adjusting #AKEBRK-35-SA that you referenced are an exact replacement for the AxleTek assemblies you have now that have Axletek-10-GG stamped on them. If you check out the attached picture you can see the…
view full answer...Thanks for the photos and information. You will want the Electric Trailer Brake Kit - Self-Adjusting - 10" - Left and Right Hand Assemblies - 3,500 lbs #AKEBRK-35-SA for self adjusting brakes that you won't need to check periodically to…
view full answer...It is possible to loosen up how tight your Self-Adjusting Electric Trailer Brake Kit #AKEBRK-35-SA but it is a little difficult to do, mainly due to lack or room for working. You can potentially remove your hub to make loosening the brake a bit…
view full answer...I've attached a wiring diagram for the 7-Way Molded Trailer Wire Connector #H20044, however there is no guide available to tell us the wire color functions on the trailer so you'll have to test each wire in order to determine its function. If…
view full answer...We don't have a combo of the Curt Hitch Ball #C40008 and Curt Ball Mount #C45340. The ball mount is extremely heavy-duty, rated up to 17,000 pounds. I think it's safe to assume you don't have a torque wrench rated up to 450 foot pounds…
view full answer...If you are only putting brakes like the #TRU36FR on one axle, we recommend doing the front axle for a few reasons. First, the front axle technically will bear more weight than the rear. Most trailers it would be about 60% on the front axle and 40% of…
view full answer...To determine the size of the brake assemblies you need you have to measure the depth and width of the hub drum on the axle like what you see in the picture I attached. The most common size is 2-1/4 inch wide like the #T4071600-500 that you…
view full answer...The Loadstar ST175/80D13 Bias Trailer Tire with 13" Aluminum Wheel #AM3S158 that you referenced weighs 28 lbs. For comparison, the part #AM31990 is same tire mounted on a steel wheel that weighs 32 lbs.
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