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So you can use the Trailer Valet RVR9 Remote-Controlled Trailer Dolly #TVRVR9 you were looking at, at a maximum of 5 degrees of incline, but since your trailer is about a thousand pounds heavier than what the dolly can handle you won't be able to…
view full answer...Patrick, a green coffee pot no, unfortunately. We do have the GSI Outdoors Camping Coffee Percolator #GSI28MV which has a 6 cup capacity but is stainless steel, or, we have the GSI Outdoors Camping Coffee Percolator #37325254 which is green, but has…
view full answer...The maximum grade for the Trailer Valet Remote-Controlled Trailer Dolly part #TVRVR9 is 5 degrees of incline. If it's anymore than this you'll want to use the Trailer Valet XL Trailer Dolly with Chain Drive part #TVXL2 for 2" or part…
view full answer...I'm sorry to hear that your trailer dolly didn't work out as well as you had hoped. Since you plan to use the Trailer Valet RVR9 Remote-Controlled Trailer Dolly #TVRVR9 in areas that aren't always smooth and level, I would like to share…
view full answer...Your 2021 Keystone Cougar Half-Ton 30RKD has a dry hitch weight of 955lbs which is over the maximum weight allowed for the Trailer Valet RVR9 #TVRVR9. You may be able to utilize the Trailer Valet XL Trailer Dolly #TVXL25 as long as the tongue weight…
view full answer...The Lippert Power Stance Electric Trailer Jack #LC89VR does not have a drop leg. The pin you see by the footplate is only for the footplate to remove and install it. The retraction and extension of the leg is electronically controlled. If you're…
view full answer...The Polar Heavy-Duty Cam Action Door Lock for Enclosed Trailers #PLR258-002 that you referenced will work well for you to add dual cam door locks to the dutch doors and ramp of your horse trailer. This cam action door lock can work for both right or…
view full answer...The lever/handle at the top of the Trailer Valet XL #TVXL2 is what is going to lock/unlock your wheels, where the crank on the side of the unit is what will get the wheels to move- you're not able to push and pull the Trailer Valet XL since these…
view full answer...You will need the Universal Fifth Wheel Trailer Hitch Installation Kit with Rails, item #RP30035, to install a fifth-wheel hitch in your 1998 Dodge Ram 2500 long bed. Page number 14 of the instructions (see link) shows the location and placement of…
view full answer...A 4-Way trailer connector has the basic lighting functions only; running lights, left turn signal and brake lights, right turn signal and brake lights, and ground. A 7-Way has these functions and a 12 volt circuit, a circuit for electric trailer…
view full answer...I reached out to TrailerValet and the #TVRVR9 you were looking at measures 6.53" from the center of the hitch ball to the front edge of the tracks as shown in the below diagram. You'll need to measure from the center of the coupler on your…
view full answer...It sounds like you are missing the head, hitch ball, and shank. We do have those parts avialable for replacement. You will want the Replacement Head for Fastway e2 Weight Distribution Systems - Round Bar #FA94-02-1055, Replacement Hardware Kit for…
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